ATONの冬の定番素材MERINO COLLEGE FLANNELに使用されている、ニュージーランドの南部のメリノウールの中でも大変希少性の高い部位の原料に縮絨を何度も繰り返し行い、最後に通常プリントなどに使われる機械を通して圧着加工を施すことで、圧縮ジャージーのような雰囲気をもたせたATON オリジナル素材です。
※ ニュージーランドメリノウールとは
The raw material used for ATON's standard winter material, MERINO COLLEGE FLANNEL, is made from a very rare part of merino wool from the south of New Zealand. This is ATON's original material with a compressed jersey-like feel.
What is New Zealand merino wool?
New Zealand merino wool is grown in New Zealand, surrounded by the great nature of blue sea, clear water flowing through magnificent hills, fresh air and comfortable weather. The characteristics of New Zealand Merino Wool are high whiteness, high colorability, long and strong pile, good texture and drape, and high wrinkle recovery ability, which are different from other wools.